Micro-customization - Globe M

We set the scene... with you in it!

Select 3 to 5 photos from your personal collection and we will find them a place of choice in the city you ordered.

All the technical information related to the sending of the photos will be sent to you by email once the order is validated.


- Glass globe.

- Paper composition.

The photos are not contractual because even if the scenario of the represented city remains the same, each globe will be unique.

Inside, each element conjugates with the following one to create a singular balance.


Each creation being made to order, the deadline can be from 2 to 4 weeks.

A French craft
Made by hand and to order, the globe comes to life in our family workshop in Biarritz.
A unique creation
The globe is delivered in its labeled and protective "craft" box.
A piece of art
An original creation, each piece is unique as is the story it tells.